Saturday, September 18, 2010

TIME Magazine Commentary

This week has brought an end to my TIME magazine subscription, a nice graduation present from Kara that I thoroughly enjoyed reading last year. The last two issues were mailed to Twain and forwarded here, and at first, I didn't have the time to read them. But like a good journalism student, I had to give them credit and at least flip through headlines and read the stories I find interesting.

In the September 13 issue, I found many!! Specifically in the LIFE section.
  • We were always provided a lot of information at GBN about gap years, and TIME featured an article about whether it's worth it and what college views are on gap years. People did some really cool things, and Ben had an excellent journey in his gap year in China, but I found it striking that some ivy league universities are starting to fund gap years for students. Not just allow them, but pay for them. Interesting concept.
  • Laughter-yoga is a new exercise with health benefits that has courses across the nation! People can start clubs across the US to promote this type of mind-body therapy and participants go through breathing exercises and small aspects of traditional yoga, with minimal athleticism (according to the article). There is no proof of its success, but I definitely looked into laughter yoga courses around Columbia and there is one group that meets monthly! Let's see if I go!
  • Last but certainly not least, some idiot of our nation has instilled WedLock, divorce insurance to pay unhappily married policyholders a payout after his or her divorce. This absolutely appalls me. The article states that it's about $16 a month for every $1,250 of coverage, but in order for payment installments to work out properly, you must have been paying for four years to get your first installment. The article jokes about receiving WedLock as a wedding gift. Thus, when you get married, the first thing on your mind should be whether divorce is an option. What kind of pessimistic society do we live in? There are enough temptations and negative influences bringing us downhill from having strong faith, but to already be pursuing the option of not staying married to someone just because you can? How horrible. How would you feel if your spouse even brought that up? I don't think I actually love you, we're just getting married because we kind of like each other now, so let's buy this divorce insurance? I'd love to hear that couple's conversation. So in conclusion, I'm disgusted that this is even invented.
In the September 20 issue, not so much, but an interesting statistic--$75,000 is the annual household income needed to make Americans happy according to a new study. Anyone earning a larger salary than that has no effect on your overall feeling of contentment.

I've enjoyed TIME for the past year and look forward to finding more appealing current events to the population reading this and sharing them here!

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