Sunday, May 16, 2010

Back home thoughts

I officially returned home around 1 pm on the 15th, and it basically felt like I flew home. I slept through the entire car ride with the exception of a fruit and yogurt parfait consumption at McDonalds in Bloomington, Illinois (haha) and just woke up at home. As the moon bounce was being put up (for those who don't know, we rented a moon bounce for Eleni's Sweet 16 and other fun parties), I unpacked a bit and started my reading of the mail/publications around me.
In the infamous Northbrook Star, credible Pioneer Press journalism *sarcasm*, one of the first articles I saw was about a Glenbrooks District board member being upset that the musical, Rent, favored GBN and was inappropriate. Really?? Not only was this upsetting because of all things to complain about, why complain about music department politics? But also, her arguments weren't based on anything credible. She read an article in GBS's newspaper quoting some GBS music teachers and decided the musical was in favor of GBN and inappropriate.
I know as a college student I'm not supposed to get involved in things like this, but it's just bad journalism. So click here to see my comment/letter to the editor at this ridiculousness. She didn't contact anyone from GBN or have any sources of credibility. Good job Pioneer Press, and school board woman. Yayy to suburban drama! The play Rent is supposed to be appropriate and have all suitable content...right? Dumb.
After a good start to unpacking, I got to see Jessie and Kalyn and catch up/jump on the moon bounce as awesome college students. Upon walking outside in the middle of the Torch (newspaper staff) 'party', I have never felt so old. All the sophomores/juniors were just having a great time running around in our backyard, bonding, eating baked goods, fruit trays and chips, and I can't say I was jealous. But I was depressed. This regressed me to every never see you, Halloween party, Torch bonding, choir class group, peer group or just best friends bonfires and large gatherings held in our backyard.
You can't just do that after graduation. If I were to send a Facebook event or invitation for all of my high school best friends to come over and eat and chat (nonetheless, jump on a moon bounce) for a fun evening, as fun as they would all think of it individually, no one cares about each other anymore so nobody would come. Unless someone was serving, no one would come. And so this being old feeling was disappointing because of that, and just reminiscing to my friends having those good times. Sadness :(.
Also, I was one of those people (and I guess, still am) whose pet peeve it was to see older graduates walking around. My pessimistic thoughts were either 1. stop living in high school, 2. where are your friends? and 3. let the young people have a good time because you already did this. Like with Ow! serenades. Ow! came to serenade the Torch group/Artemas house (our 6th serenade potentially?) and it was sad because none of my close ones were there besides Kenny, Nathan and Ian, and they were just so little. And Ben/Judd weren't there. My optimistic thoughts about older siblings were "Wow, they must care a lot about their younger sisters to stay here for this birthday party/not go hang out with their friends." So not that judgments matter, but I hope people looked at my presence in that sense and not in the way I would have if I were their age.
Today (meaning Saturday), I had a productive unpacking day and fun morning with Lena, Dean and Drew. Kids are exhausting, but having a moon bounce in the backyard is a great source of entertainment. And a Wii. Lena's getting older, smarter and adorable. Then, I just cleaned out my entire room/wardrobe again and actually got rid of a lot, managed to pack for Mexico (leave a month from tomorrow!) and upload pictures. Helen, Stacey, Meredith and I hung out at Eleni's Sweet 16 and I felt old again watching all of her friends be cliquey. Some of them look up to me though so that's a pretty cool feeling?
Fun, productive and exciting past two days...who knows how things will go as I get into the swing of Fridays waitressing again, as my friends work their 9-5 jobs downtown and feel like adults and as everyone returns/departs/etc. Pictures below!

(left) the old people, (right) the large group with Ow! after their serenade

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