Saturday, March 6, 2010

Why can't everyone get along?!

Since I've entered college, experienced dorm life, sorority life, and the life of keeping in touch with others at home, everything seems to revolve around one central thing: drama.
  • In the dorm, I think the drama revolves around the issue that nobody really has this thing called privacy. You're constantly overhearing conversations in the hallway, through the walls, because you are friends with the people you live with....and that's fine. Except when it crosses the line and all these small little cliques are rivaling each other and can no longer live peacefully, happily and successfully in a living, social or academic environment. Then it's just sad. I don't think dorms could survive without drama, but it could definitely easily be toned down.
  • With sorority girls, especially in the house, one person's business is everyone's business. And I can't say I don't fall into this trap, because I do. And it happens in dorms too. But one person gets cut from this, caught doing that, mad at her....and everyone doesn't want to, needs to know about it, claiming that it pertains to them. Well settle down everyone, if it pertained to you, you would know about it already. And all of this goes for dorms and groups of friends also, but that's why I think everyone should live happily knowing what they know and not going out of their way to find out things they really don't need to. But we're all journalism majors that's not going to happen.
  • When it comes to keeping in touch with others at home, the drama revolves not only around their own lives, classes and stress...but how other people from high school are dealing with such things. "Did you see on Facebook that they broke up?" "So and so don't talk anymore because they got into a small argument over this and that." WHO CARES. Worry about the stress of you and those directly affecting you and this wouldn't be an issue. Or shouldn't be. Or don't go on social networking sites and browse others' lives because then your own achievements become less of a priority.
  • In college, with school and home friends in general, it's sad...I live under this idealistic view that everyone not only can all get along happily like utopia, but that they have no reason to dislike each other or not want to sit together in public (class, dining halls, restaurants, events...etc.) Unfortunately, that is NOT the case. Ever. Maybe the first week of freshmen year, or my 19th birthday party (which was the only successful example), but I honestly don't understand why people just can't give other people chances. You don't have to live or love this person, just sit with them. When people feel the need to be cliquey, and go out of their way to move or not invite someone to wherever they are going/dinner. If you want privacy, of course, you have no reason to invite people, it's your life. But you can still be a clear communicator by doing so, or not intentionally be flat out rude to others. I wish everyone could be less self-centered and give everyone a chance, because that person in that other group of friends that you refused to sit near in lecture because you didn't like her best friend's boyfriend may click with you very well, and you just missed out on an awesome friendship. Whatever....right?
  • No. Let's all be happy and open-minded to other people, k? Cool! Forget about centering everything around drama and do what you want, find others to do it with you if that's what you want, and don't be mean about it. The end!

1 comment:

  1. KATIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I LOVE YOU and therefore this blog!!!!! i just discovered it because my email checking skills are still amazing as always...I MIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSS YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
