Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Confessions of a suburban girl moving to the city

Eight things I didn’t know about living in Chicago city limits

1. Biking on the sidewalk is illegal; you have to ride on the street. 

2. Not every street that goes east connects to the lake, so live near a street with a tunnel under Lake Shore Drive that goes to the Lakefront path. 

3. Obviously "The Loop" is called The Loop for a reason, but CTA trains looping around the path don't go the same way there as they go back. So watch out if you're taking the Brown or Purple line!

4. You only grocery shop for what you can carry with two arms. Riding a bike with $80 worth of groceries isn’t feasible....every time. 

5. It doesn’t matter if the content of the Red Eye publication is bad, you take the free copy anyway for news about entertainment, restaurant deals and upcoming events. 

6. It's fairly normal to see rats in the Lakeview area in alley ways or the back of apartment complexes...beware of dumpsters.

7. You honk when you drive through alleyways so you don't hit people or animals. 

8. The noise of the L really does disappear after living by it, but the sounds of honking horns, smokers outside or people passing by don't.

Needless to say, I'm loving my time here so far! 

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