Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Post grad problems: 8 things found cleaning out the high school bedroom

I've started doing every college student's favorite activity...cleaning out the room he or she grew up in. Although I often clean over breaks, something's different about cleaning when you know you'll have to keep said items in your own home or apartment.

I found plenty of craziness when cleaning out papers and clothing, but the most amusement came when a large, bulletin board fell down. I wasn't emotionally prepared to tackle this board, but the fly in the room that I had to kill must have been a sign that it was time to go. 

Here are the eight most comical, random things I found while cleaning off this board and other items in the bedroom:
  • The other half of BEST FRIENDS keychains
  • Polaroid photos from a ride at Chuck E. Cheese
  • Disneyland postcards from 1997
  • Athens 2004 apparel - Greece was very proud to host the Olympics!
  • A Chattanooga (Yes, the city in Tennessee) police department keychain. What?
  • A pile of 20+ inspirational statements from fortune cookies and raisin boxes. 
  • Miniature license plates and keychains from various cities that have your name on them
  • Receipts and ticket stubs for companies that have since gone out of business, like Crown Theaters (which is now Regal Theaters) and LaSalle Bank (now Bank of America) 
This is the first post that will be tagged with PGP, or post graduate problems. More post-college revelations will be written up under this tag here! 

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