Still unbeknownst to how this happened, I got on the distribution list for iBlog magazine and read through it on the train this past week.
The most valuable piece I came across in this month's issue focused on the importance of social networking and networking online. The article shared that LinkedIn lets you request an archive of your data in Excel form, and guarantees to send you this information within 72 hours of requesting it.
Here's how:
1. Go to your Privacy & Settings section (on the far right under the Account/Settings link)
2. Click on the Account tab not he bottom left side
3. Click on the "Request an archive of your data" link your network.
I tested it out and within 24 hours, received a .zip file of nearly 12 .csv Excel files with various groupings of data: all of my connections, email addresses, skills, search queries, ads I've clicked on, my ad targeting profile and more. It can't hurt to have an Excel file of all your LinkedIn contacts. Think of all the filtering and pivoting you can do by company, school and more! (Nerd alert). Overall, nothing was incredible or fascinating about the archive, but it helps me feel like I own the information I share eon the Internet. Check yours out!
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