Thursday, February 3, 2011

Stressed students hit emotional low

The Chicago Tribune published this story, "More college freshmen feeling overwhelmed, survey finds," January 27.

Its significant finding, as apparent by the headline, was that "this year's college freshmen report feeling higher levels of emotional and financial stress than their predecessors did." .... "Half of current first-year students, 51.9 percent, rated their emotional health above average or higher, down from 55.3 percent last year."

"Just 45.9 percent of women in the class described themselves as emotionally strong, compared with 59.1 percent of men."

THAT IS A HUGE PROBLEM. Girls in today's society, especially in college, are now requiring attention to make them happy. Our age is so used to receiving attention on social networking that when they attend college and try making new friends at school the real way or meeting boys, not only can they not do it, but they cannot be confident. It scares me.

Another article I plan on writing about soon is the recent study that college students go away learning a lot less scholastically than in the future. I think this directly correlates with new college students experiencing higher levels of emotional stress, because when you can't get what you want without trying, people get upset. Being a college student in today's world means independence; it's taught that you value being carefree, yourself and that people will appreciate that. I hate to break it to you, but everything's not handed to you. It takes time and energy to deal with your finances, make your own schedule and create friendships that aren't in a forced environment.

I hope people realize from this study that rather than moping on their lives and being depressed, we as a society should do something to change it. Colleges bringing in motivational speakers on how to deal with freshmen year could be one step. Therefore, I hope we educate students on independence, the purpose of school, work and being an adult to produce a happier society.

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