Sunday, January 23, 2011

Birthday Week-Back to Mizzou!

Kathryn and I's "First Day of School" picture!
A midnight surprise birthday party from my friends Thursday morning that trekked over all the way in the snow to sing and eat cake!
Phi Mu girls: Stephanie, Kathryn, me, Emilia, Alex, Emily, Jen and Susan
The awkward picture tradition lives on: Andrew, Sherman and I

I have never until this week gained so much respect for the city and suburbs of Chicago, and their efficiency at plowing snow. Columbia received 8 inches of snow and the town shut down. My reservation for a birthday dinner was cancelled because the restaurant closed for the evening, the streets don't even get salted and nothing is ever entirely plowed until hours after it falls. This is probably due to funding and Missouri not being adjusted to getting so much snow, but I feel like such an emergency budget should be larger enough to protect our safety.

Image #1 of Missouri not knowing what to do in snow: Snow falling from outside my window. There's a baby sidewalk plow so students don't fall on their walks to class in the back right corner-area.
#2: This is 9th Street, a central street on campus, shoveling all of the snow into one pile in the middle of the street then somehow moving the pile later. Good job.
#3: This is someone's car in Greektown. Stinks for them.
We relocated my birthday dinner to a popular restaurant on Mizzou's campus called the Heidelberg, and it was nice to be with all of my friends!
Danielle and I, "Big-Little" sisters in Phi Mu, with the beautiful frame and scrapbook page she made me! As Shelley and Sherman said, "She passed the test as Katie's little."
The Twain loves: Kate, Andrew, Amy, Shaina, me, Sherman, Laura and Kathryn!
One of my gifts you can laugh at: a caffeine collection! Equipped with caffeinated soap (wake up during those 6 am showers and caffeinated lollipops, which will probably come in useful on days where I don't get a lot of sleep and need a boost. "Buzz Strong's" cookies are chocolate chip cookies where 4 cookies = 1 cup of coffee. The caffeine consumption is underrated because nobody would ever chug a cup of coffee in a minute, but eating 4 cookies in a minute gets you buzzed. Ha. The last thing is whiffable chocolate, so you can snort chocolate powder and feel like you ate an entire chocolate bar, but not receive the calories from doing it. Interesting collection, huh?!
Nouno Peter and Thea Lucy mailed me this sweatshirt, and at first glance, I didn't know why they sent it to me. I just saw the color and couldn't think of whose school colors those were, then the Connecticut part. But at second glance, you see STARS HOLLOW, CONNECTICUT. And LUKE'S, like Luke's Diner from my absolute favorite television show of all time, Gilmore Girls!! I'm SO excited to wear this!
The girls at Noodles and Company for Danielle (my little's) birthday dinner! Next observation: my hair stayed curly for two days. This is a difficult task to achieve, so it was pretty exciting.
Amy and I sitting in Zou Crew at the basketball game against Iowa State...7th row!
Twain love at a Jersey Party: Kathryn, me, Laura, Elizabeth and Danielle!
If this is just one week of the semester, what will the rest bring?! We will see!

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